C# source code {convert}

C# and CLR include a lot of specific, it is almost impossible to convert C# to programming language of the same abstraction level without having additional dependencies. Each conversion tool includes some glue code to generate an equal program on target language as much as it possible. The most critical feature is memory management that is solved by converter tool.

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Snippet to C++

C# C++

Convert your C# code snippet to C++

Open converter
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Project to C++

C# C++

Convert your C# project to C++ online

Open converter

Convert C# code to C++ online

C# code can be converted to C++ keeping class structure and methods. C++ does not have any GC, so it may cause performance side effects as result. It will be provided cmake scripts to build resulted C++ code.

Convert C# code to Java online

C# programming language source code is able to be translated to Java using our applications. C# and Java abstraction level is similar, but it is necessary to use additional library to compile the generated Java code.

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Snippet to Java

C# Java

Convert your C# code snippet to Java

Open converter
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Project to Java

C# Java

Convert your C# project to Java

Open converter

How to convert source code?

  • Open Products to find a converter application
  • Enter input language name to search box
  • Select an application with the best match
  • Check description, limitations and requirements on converter's application page
  • Provide an input and run the converter.It will take some time, depending on input size and format
  • A link to artifacts will get available as soon as a source code get translated